What We Do

Our Charter is to help sustain an environment friendly image of plastics by highlighting the positive role of Multi Layer Plastics in conserving resources and its 100% recyclability.

  • Development and Validation of Biodegradable Films for use in Multi Layer Plastics
  • Ensuring Conformance to Standards
  • Creating Testing infrastructure
  • Conduct Scientific Research for New Materials and validating them for Indian standards
  • Evaluation of Recycling Technologies and prepare Economic/Technical/Commercial Feasibility
  • Conduct Experimentation and Cost benefit Analysis
  • Development of End usage from Recycled Polymers and propagate use of Recycled Polymers
  • Liaising with all Government Stakeholders to effectively communicate the benefits of Biodegradable Films and Recycling technologies.

"We dont need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly.We need millions of people doing it in any possible way"
